Thursday, June 3, 2010

ORP 6-1-10

I think this was lunch break.

Lots of bugs, as in insects..

The Alcons worked great. I had some concern about the master cylinder being too small for the application. The Alcons have 8.718" of surface area on the pistons whereas the OE brakes have 5.581". In the rear it's 1.577" and double that with the STI Brembos. So I think my worries were valid but the pedal is rock solid so no further action is required.. I had started to work out a dual Alcon master setup that deleted the OE booster/master but kept ABS.

Looking at the footage my best lap time so far was a 2:04. It was nice to just drive all day and not work on the car for once!!! Next day at ORP is 6-28 and I'm trying to get brake ducts in by then. The Bilstein suspension worked great. I did the first two sessions on full soft in the front then went full stiff. The track is new so the pavement is in really good shape. I have the rear sway in the middle setting, I think moving it to full stiff will change it from very neutral to just a touch of oversteer.

Working on the video...

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